Thursday, October 30, 2008

October 30th, 2008 Puerto Escondido

 In general, most mexicans don't drive all that bad.
 There is minimal road rage in the States for the most part too.
 I think the baja is overrated. South of Mazatlan is where it's at.
 The human race should join the mosquitoes because let's face it - we can't beat em.
 Having children is an important thing.
 When you have a lot to lose, you lose a lot of opportunities.
 Adaptability is a great travel trait.)

These words given to you by the zen master himself - Ricardo

So let's talk about the good stuff - Acapulco is the land of bad, bad, very bad cops who like to pull you over and demand thing to note if this happens to you send you wife/girlfriend/female companion in loaded with rage and tears would probably have helped spare no expense ladies let the mouth rip - these cops had no idea what to do with me and basically let us go the second time just to get rid of me - really!

After that we drove to Puerto Escondido and have had a great couple of days here with some small waves yesterday hit up with the long board and spent the day relaxing at the beach. Today we got up early got some offshore winds and moderate height waves, intermixed with a few bigger badder boys. Ricardo rode his boadyboard with class and pulled out the drop knee to impress me whenever I was looking. I on the other hand just got pumelled and tossed about like green salad. I managed to pull off ONE wave near the end and then got struck in the face and called it quits.

Today we are heading for Huatulco and hopefully some sailing time.


pa said...

Would love to be with you in Huatulco again. Try to miss the armadillos on the road. Good luck finding those special secluded beaches.

pa said...

Hope you missed all of the armadillos this time. Would love to be back there at the mouth of the river and watching the sun come up.