Friday, November 7, 2008

November 7, 2008 La Libertad, El Salvador

After leaving Panajachel near Lago de Atitlan we headed to Antigua which with all it's beautiful inner courtyards and cafes still doesn't add up to the prices they charge you. We ended up staying in bunk beds in a hostel  - let's just say it's been awhile since I slept in a bunk bed. The next morning we got up early and hit the border to El Salvador which went way more smoothly, but way longer, than the Mexico/Guatemala border. 

Once we got through we headed for Lago de Coatepeque which turned out to be another
beautiful lake and we stayed right on the lake in a great little hostel. After about an hour of swimming and relaxing by the lake I hit the van and started to puke my guts out - it didn't last too long although I'm not sure it's all out of my system yet. Right now I'm typing to you from the shores of the Pacific near La Libertad were El Salvador goes to surf and so do we!!!

So as Kim eats her dinner which we hope will stay down for at least a couple of hours I'll take over typing. The Lake yesterday was kick ass. It was like those places you see in movies of ancient china or something little docks in all levels with different settings. this one's a dining
room, this one is a hammock, this one has fuze ball. Yes it was very enjoyable while my wife was in the van puking.  While there I chatted with some locals and they totally scribbled go-to places on our map. then today we intended to stay in the metrop
olitan capital, san salvador. we drove and drove trying to look for a hotel, any hotel when we realized do we really wanna stay in this town? we don't have to. so we didn't so we went to our next destination: the beach. the surf was big and we were on it. wife
 here got more than a few scrapes going in and out of the rocks, plus her nausea kicked back in. in truth, la punta was consistent big right break, but it lacked in the fun factor somehow. so i'm hoping tomorrow morning will be better although no doubt it will be big)

We're looking forward to the destinations we have picked out   in Nicaragua and then of course Costa Rica (greg, you should still join us) where we know some people.

All the best,

PS: who won the election in the States?

1 comment:

Adam said...

Election fever is finally over in canada and the US. Strangely enough I saw more coverage of our neigbors election than ourt own. It has been confirmed, the US has now become more progressive than Canada. Obama is now the poster child for how accepting the US is of minorities...unless ya got something they want. This blog is great I get to daydream about myself doing all of these awsome excursions. You both are living the dream (except the puking part). Keep in touch and rip up a wave for me
