Friday, December 12, 2008

Panama City December 12, 2008

This update is long over due! We reached Panama a few days ago and spent some time getting the paper work ready to ship Paris to South America. Ricardo spent a whole day at the police station getting things signed with a whole bunch of really cranky/crying foreigners and he was the purest example of calmness...all those previous border crossings has him all "zen"ed out! 

In the middle of the whole thing we quickly zipped out to watch a ship pass through the Panama Canal which was really cool. Then we had a good laugh later on when we realized we were an hour behind - therefore an hour late - for everything and ended up getting our papers at the same time as the people who arrived at 6am - we arrived at 10am which was actually 11am:)

When all that was done we headed out to the beach at San Carlos and spent a night eating great Mexican food in the most tranquilo (aka calm) town we have seen on this trip yet. Today on our way back to Panama city we discovered we (read: I) have a gift for making up rap songs in the van! Watch for our self titled debut album coming out early next year:) 

When we arrived in Panama City we left Paris at the shipping port and hailed a cab to a nice hotel in the heart of Casinoville. Where I promptly got my wallet snatched by someone on the street and have spent the next fews hours calling credit card companies etc. Tomorrow we're heading out to San Felipe for the afternoon and keeping a close eye on our belongings!

1 comment:

asha said...

Yikes! Getting your wallet snatched is a super super drag. I hope you got everything canceled before the thieves managed to wreck any havoc.