Tuesday, January 13, 2009

January 13, 2008 La Serena Chile

First apologies for the deliquency on the blog writing. But I´m here now! We have made it to Chile all the way to Ricardo´s mom´s house in La Serena which has felt great to be in a house and do laundry and make food in a kitchen - it´s the little things you miss the most. Our journey here was not without some final drama. We drove into Chile int he evening and spent the first night at a Copec gas station in Arica the most northernly Chilean town. The next morning we left and headed to Iquiqui a few hours south after doing some errands we headed off toward San Pedro in the Atacama desert only along the way we ran out of gas in the dark in the middle of the desert not the most ideal situation. Luckily we were only 5 mintues from a another Copec so Ricardo hoped a ride with a truck and hitched back. We pulled into the Copec for the night to sleep along with a bunch of truckers. Woke up the next day and to our surprise Paris refused the start. And so the drama begins - or did it begin with the running out of gas in the middle of the desert? Eventually we tow her to a little town int eh desert with a mechanic reccommended bythe police. I steer Paris while Ricardo tows with a little pickup truck with a rope less than a meter long. It was a LONG 70kms I think I have some gray hair now:( Two days the mechanic works on her and nothing - nothing she starts but seems unmotivated to go anywhere. Maybe we forgot to tell her we wanted to get all the way to Santiago and she thought the job was done? Anyways to make the long story shorter we have put her in thebelly of a truck and she will be arriving in La Serena tomorrow and straight to a mechanic apparently Paris´lack of motivation to continue has something to do with what the mechanics call the ¨fuel injection¨.

SO Ricardo and I uncerimonously arrived afetr a 17hours bus ride fromthe north at 6am to La Serena wher we fell into bed and slept for a few more hours. It wasn´t the happily ever after in Chile ending we had planned but we are here and trying to figure out what to do next!


asha said...

With Paris in tow, you made a poetically perfect all points grit and grizzle landing in Chile. Undoubtedly, she would have preferred staying home in Canada, shuttling no further than the store and other known and friendly locations around town. My hat is off to you. Not many would muster the serious amount of charm, guts, and elbow grease (spiked with just the right power words of course), which are indispensable for such an adventure so... CONGRATULATIONS! all three of you. It was a mighty team effort.

And how cool is a country that is ALL COASTLINE?!?!?! (except for those itty bitty bits of deserts, jungles, and mountains clinging to the shore... the places Paris has no fondness for). I eagerly await more stories. Your journey has only just begun but, of course, after you and Ricardo (and Paris) rest up!

Kimberlee said...

Ahhh of course our ungraceful landing has thrust us into a new kind of adventure in this unfamiliar land...more to come on the gringa in Santiago stay tuned!