Thursday, January 15, 2009

January 15, 2009 La Serena

Paris had landed and efforts are being made to resusitate her back into action. I truly believe she is need of a good rest and relaxation period and is just asserting her feminine need to be heard! I hear you Paris!

As for Ricardo and I, I think it took us a couple of days for the new found home country to sink in. We were racing to get to appointments on time - in South America we had somehow forgotten the ¨must be 30 mintues late¨rule.....go figure! Now we are slow as turtles - god bless turtles! and muster ourselve out of bed around 9 or 10 am - even me the 0600 girl. I´m fighting to find some purpose for the day already as my old workaholic self is just as restless as ever I´m looking forward to reaching Santiago and starting spanish lessons which will be occupying 4 hours of time a day. Now I just have to figure out what to do with the 20 other hours in the day!?!?

I will be posting more pics soon just can´t connect our laptop at the moment - be patient - be still - be one with the silence:)

1 comment:

Kylie said...

HOORAAAAAAY!! Congratulations my little Chile-Canadian munchkins! I can't even imagine conquering the journey as you have done with such dedication to the Paris and good humour. Now for the dancing in the streets yaaaay!

Looking forward to the next Chapter guys. Say hi to your mum for me Ricardo!

xxx Kylie