Saturday, February 7, 2009

News from the other side of the world, unless of course you live in the Southern Hemisphere.

My day down here goes something like this:
Wake up around 8am, make coffee and breakfast yell to Ricardo "breakfast is ready" and once he drags his slow sleepy feet up the stairs and sits down at the table we eat breakfast together. One of the nice things about living down here and not having to rush off early in the morning is we actually get to eat together which means we talk more. Afterwards I spend my dutiful time on the computer before getting ready and setting off for school. Ricardo walks with me to school every morning - I don't get molested as much this way and it reminds me every day just how much we're in love after 8 years of relationship. Aww that was sappy I'm not usually sapping I'll try to keep it to a minimum I don't want this blog going all romantic novelish!

When I get to school I have 4 hours of spanish classes with some pretty interesting characters from all over the world who each have their own unique and complicated life histories and adventures, this keeps me entertained so much the four hours usually zip by. Then I walk home alone (it is only about a 15 minutes walk). By the time I get home it's close to 2pm at this point I have neglected my digestive system and there is almost always rumblings and rumors about a full out war so I feed it to keep the peace. Once the devouring has been completed the rest of the day is up for grabs with a tummy full of nutritious food and armed with the power of slightly more intelligible spanish skills I feel like a conquistador, minus all the indigenous slaughtering that is. I do things like; go to the gym, search out more Starbucks locations (vital to my continuing survival), trade my english novels for new/used ones, and I always do my homework. 

In the evening the best part of the day here in Santiago when the sun starts to set around 8pm and the heat starts to subside we are usually out and about doing whatever has come up in the day, because something always comes up. Like yesterday Ricardo's aunt phoned to remind us of lunch today - yup another epic Chilean 6 hour eating ordeal and no I did not eat dinner last night nor will I eat breakfast today - but we didn't even know it was planned in the first place!

And finally our heads usually land softly but firmly on our pillows around midnight to drift off into the land of dreaminess until the blissful sounds of buzzing disturb us into another day.

So that's it folks now you know how the story goes. In the next few days I'm going camera armed to take some shots of the city - look for some results at the beginning of next week. 


asha said...

No mention of ice cream. This is good. I so miss all the "interesting characters from all over the world who each have their own unique and complicated life histories and adventure". That is one of the BIG reasons I'm addicted to traveling the byways, difficult and uncomfortable as it is. Why bother at all if you confine yourself to tourist hotels and enclaves?

Can't wait for the photos!

Kimberlee said...

Si, yo estoy a la dia 15 hoy - solo 15 mas!

Unknown said...

Great, looks like you guys are starting to really live the chillean way!! love it! Miss you guys and looking every day for new entries ;-)

Kimberlee said...

Oh my gosh everyday I didn't think anyone was all that interested anymore but now that I know I'll get my butt in gear and post more often:)